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Ticket for The Danish War Museum

Ticket for The Danish War Museum
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105 kr
Child under 18
0 kr
0 kr

Ticket for The Danish War Museum

Take a walk through 500 years of Danish military history. From samurai swords to World War II and the war in Afghanistan. Experience life as a deployed soldier. Enter a Danish military camp from the war in Afghanistan, get ready in the observation tower, and stand ready by the cannon of a personnel carrier that has been hit by a roadside bomb. Get an overview of Denmark's military history and the wars that have shaped Danish history, or settle down in the hammocks and hear about life in the Danish navy.

The War Museum is not suitable for people with walking difficulties or wheelchair users.

With the purchase of a discounted ticket, you must show identification (membership card) at the entrance.

Practical information
Where: Danish War Museum, Tøjhusgade 3, 1220 København K
When: Tuesday - sunday 10-17. Closed on mondays.
Transportation: Bus 66, 1A, 2A, 9A, 26
The ticket must be used within 1 year and is only valid for one visit.
Billetten skal bruges indenfor 1 år. Købte billetter refunderes kun i tilfælde af aflysning
The ticket must be used within 1 year and is only valid for one visit.
