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Trelleborg entrance ticket

Trelleborg entrance ticket
Trelleborg entrance ticket
Trelleborg entrance ticket
Trelleborg entrance ticket
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95 kr
Child under 18
0 kr
0 kr

Trelleborg entrance ticket

Take a walk in thefootsteps of the Vikings and experience King Harald Bluetooth's ring fortress!Denmark's most fortified and best-preserved Viking fortress, now a UNESCO WorldHeritage Site, located near Slagelse. Enjoy the nature or explore thereconstructions in the Viking village of Trelleborg, Slagløse. Inside, you candelve into the museum's exhibition and get a close look at the archaeologicalfinds at Trelleborg - including Denmark's only found Viking shield orarrowheads, suggesting there may be signs of an attack on the ring fortress!

Practical information
Address: Trelleborg Allé 4, 4200, Slagelse
The day ticket is valid for one year from the date of issue and can only be redeemed once. The ticket is non-refundable.
The entrance ticket does not include special events
- Separate tickets must be purchased for the annual Viking Festival
Read more about Trelleborgs opening hours here
Dogs that are clean and on a leash are welcome
Parking: It is possible to park right in front of the museum. Look for signage.
